“ Many congratulations on this accomplishment!
This is a historic moment to have the privilege to be in medicine, with all of its heartache and all of its uplifting moments as well.
Go forth and put your skills and passions to work caring for your patients and their families. They need you now more than ever. ”
“ To Greg,
A wise man once wrote, “There is no sudden moment when all our studying turns us into perfect doctors. Medicine is a difficult ebb and flow of constant learning, practicing, and improving.” We have seen your progress – and we are so very proud of you, and the MD Class of 2020.
#Brown2020 #BrownU ”
“ The situation at hand demonstrates the need for great clinicians. As you start your career, be brave, have high expectations and set goals to be the best! Try to find a good work/family balance even when things get tough. Always remember that you have been given a great gift, a patient's trust. Cherish it and respect it. Treat every patient as if they were a loved family member and in return you will receive great personal satisfaction and your career will never be work.
Remember Brown, The Alpert Medical School, Women & Infants' and Rhode Island Hospital as your home and we will watch your every accomplishment with great pride! We will miss you class of 2020, but have every confidence that you will go forward and do great things! ”
“ wishing well to graduating class of 2020 ”
Messages for MD'20 Students -- from Dr. Brian Alverson
“ Congratulations to the class of 2020! Wishing you all great and satisfying careers ahead. ”
“ Congrats MD'20, you did it! We are so proud of you! Take a moment to acknowledge all your accomplishments. Now, as a Brown grad, it is predetermined that you will go on to be leaders in whatever path you have chosen. My advice is this: Continue to question everything and don’t blend in, but stand out. Be empowered to highlight inequalities and affect change wherever you go. You have been given the skills, now go and use them! As you enter medicine during this time, you must be brave, but remember you are not alone. You will always have this community by your side. ”
“ It has been a pleasure educating you and working with many of you. Good luck! ”
Messages for MD'20 Students -- from Dr. Katherine Sharkey
“ I wish you, the class of 2020, all the best going forward. Fulfill your obligations to care for the sick and those in need. Make a difference in the communities you will serve, not only as an outstanding physician, but as an advocate for those in need who have no voice.
Good luck. ”
“ Congratulations! ”
“ Dear Victoria Elizabeth..... congratulations we know you will thrive in sunny LA... all our love
“ Dear MD Class of 2020:
What a year and a time to graduate and move on into the world of medicine! Everything in healthcare and the world has changed in the past few months, and many of you will be making the transition from video learning / social distancing to being face to face and on the front-lines of the COVID-19 era. The transition will be dramatic and challenging, but you are all ready! I challenge each of you to bring new perspective and energy to your new roles as interns and residents and soon-to-be attendings.
Congratulations on a tremendous achievement! ”
Messages for MD'20 Students -- from Dr. Lisa Swartz Topor
“ Congratulations to the MD20s! We need you in the year ahead. Stay safe and savor all the hard and weird moments in your training - you will remember that time forever. ”
“ Normally, we would line the streets to cheer you on but these are not normal times. Please know that in spite of the challenges, the uncertainty and the anxiety the pandemic has brought to our profession, 30 years on from Brown, I am so proud and grateful to be a physician. What we are doing is hard and yet, so important and meaningful. Be well and congratulations!! ”
“ You guys are our future and that makes me super excited! Congratulations class of 2020! ”
“ Hannah-So proud of you. So happy to follow in your little footsteps. Isn't is so funny how as kids, you hated when I copied you, and then how happy we were at AMS together. You are the best, I love you, literally. ”
Messages for MD'20 Students -- from Dr. Jordan White
“ Congratulations! ”
Messages for MD'20 Students -- from Mark Zonfrillo '99 MD'03
“ Dear Class of 2020, CONGRATULATIONS Doctors! Wishing you ongoing success and joy You have left a mark here at Brown and we hope you carry the Brunonian spirit and soul onwards. Remember to take care of yourselves as you care for others with compassion and empathy. Thanks for making Brown your home (some for 8 or more years!!) We look forward to your journey with frequent returns!! All the best and ever true, ”
“ Congratulations on your hard earned MD degree and best of luck as you continue on your very exciting journey! Study, work, and play hard! ”
“ What an amazing class and an unusual ending to your medical school years. This is just the beginning for all of you in so many ways - you will learn and grow and make meaningful change everywhere you go. Thanks for all that you have contributed to your patients and your teachers here in Rhode Island over the years with your clinical work and your endless enthusiasm for advocacy. We will miss you and wish you all the best! Keep finding the things that bring you joy in your work and the ways that you can make things better for your patients, your colleagues, and yourself. Sincerely, "Dr. L." ”
“ Dear MD'20,
Congratulations doctors on your success! Wishing you all a very successful, energizing and a bright future.
Best wishes, ”
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Katie Chung
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Ashley P. Martinez
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Caroline Burke
Messages for MD'20 Students
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Ian Pan
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Victoria Goldman
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Alex Kuczmarski
Messages for MD'20 Students -- from Dr. Jeremiah Schuur
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Anastassia Gorvitovskaia
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Chelsea Haynes
Messages for MD'20 Students
“ Dear graduate,
Congratulations on this most auspicious day! This is an uncertain time in the world, but every challenge is also an opportunity. You have the power to advocate for a more just Wellness System where every human being receives basic healthcare. Your M.D. degree comes with great responsibility to care for every patient with compassion and the latest science. Your M.D. degree also gives you an authority that you must use to shape the future of healthcare. Do not accept the broken system that you have inherited. You must leave our healthcare system better for the next generation of graduates. May you be blessed with health, happiness and the fruits of a lifetime of study in the most noble profession I know.
Ever true to Brown,
Jillian and Wes,
You've taken flight, now it's time to soar!!!!!
“ To the amazing, intelligent, thoughtful, caring, and committed students of the Class of 2020: We are so proud of you and all you've accomplished so far! We can't wait to see your future successes, and are so pleased to be your colleagues. Thank you for all you've taught us, and all you've let us teach you. Best wishes and take care, ”
“ Dear New Medical Doctors-Class of 2020,
Congratulations! Always remember that you went into medicine to help others. Never think you know everything, there's always more to learn. Rejoice in good work. Be thankful. Be humble. Use your talents. My final advice is to love God, Life, Others and Yourself. And be happy!
In Deo Speramus, ”
You have worked and studied with great focus and dedication, progressing from eager naïveté (remember 1st year “Doctoring” class with your mentor?) to confident fledgling physician. Now your next challenge awaits you. Best wishes for a successful and fulfilling career.
Photo submissions for students Ashley Martinez, Connie Liou, Evan Stern, Anastassia Grovitovskaia, Jordan Emont, Alex Kuczmarski, Michael Superdock, Paul Vozzo, Radhika Rajan, Travis Brown, Victoria Goldman, and messages of support for the MD'20 class.
“ CONGRATULATIONS on graduating! Transitioning to intern year is never easy, and the uncertainties of COVID-19 coupled with the certainties of virtual learning (virtual clinics, virtual didactics, and more) is going to make this year unprecedented. That being said, there is no set of med school alumni I trust more than my fellow WAMSBU alumni. Our clinical training, our patient-centered skills, and our understanding of the social determinants of health are second to none. If there's anyone I trust out there leading the next generation of medicine, it's all of you. Welcome aboard, and congratulations! ”
“ Congratulations Class of 2020! ”
“ Congratulations on your graduation! You are entering medicine at a unique time. Internship is never easy, but you will have challenges that none of your seniors ever knew (when your attendings harrumph that they had every other night call, you will have your own war stories to throw back at them!). This is also a unique opportunity. You are entering into a pandemic of a previously unknown virus, whose effects remain poorly known. While our research colleagues do critical work in finding medications and vaccines to help us fight it, you will be on the front lines. Clinical observation has been an undervalued skill in recent years. Keep your eyes and minds open and you will have the chance to make new discoveries that can impact the world, right at the bedside. Don't forget that no one can get through this alone, be there for your fellow interns and residents, and help each other through this. Lastly, don't forget that every single person working in that hospital is critical -- not just doctors and nurses but the techs, housekeepers, food service workers, treat everyone with the respect and honor they deserve. Good luck! ”
“ Dear Brown MD Class of 2020,
My best wishes as you figuratively march through the Van Wickle Gates. This is not the send-off that the Brown Medical Alumni Association had planned for our newest members. While your fellow Brown MDs are unable to celebrate your graduation with traditional applause, rest assured we are cheering you on virtually! We all have learned that medicine is synonymous with delayed gratification. Your fifth year reunion will coincide with the 50th anniversary of Brown's first graduating med school class. Save the Date: Friday May 23, 2025. We are already planning the biggest alumni bash ever! Let's all then stick around for Commencement when the Brown M.D. Class of 2020 proudly leads their junior colleagues through those gates! ”
“ We are thrilled for you and need you now more than ever; thank you for working with our vulnerable populations. Stay as safe as possible, be bold, & best wishes!
Cheers, ”
One of the happiest moments of my life was when I graduated from Brown Medical School in May 2005- it was a day of culmination of hard work and the door to a lifetime of giving in the medical profession. While these are unprecedented circumstances and you are all not getting the traditional graduation ceremony today, I truly believe that you have never been more needed on the battlefield more than right now. You should be proud of your amazing achievements, and the day will come next year or maybe at your 5-year reunion to have a physical party to celebrate! I am so excited to call you all my colleagues and welcome you to this wonderful profession that you chose. Chapeau!
“ Dear Colleagues and friends, this is the beginning of a beautiful journey. Enjoy it, do not lose your enthusiasm and NEVER forget why you chose to go into medicine. Congratulations! ”
“ Congratulations to the class of 2020! You are graduating into a world none of us have ever seen before but we know you have the smarts, the talent and the drive to meet these new challenges head on. As Brown grads, you are bright and adaptable and will make our world a healthier and kinder one. We welcome you with open arms! ”
“ Congratulations on this incredible achievement! Making a difference in the lives of the patients we serve is such a privilege, and I am confident you all will do so with grace, empathy and skill. Always remember the pockets of joy you had while you were a student, the things that made you excited and honored to be part of this profession. I can't wait to see how you change lives and the world! ”
“ Congratulations and welcome to the community of healers! Sorry you didn’t get to walk out the Van Wickle gates with your class but be honest — did you walk in through them during Convocation? Did you avoid walking out the middle the rest of your time at Brown? All kidding aside, despite the lack of pomp and circumstance, we’re still proud that you’re graduating and joining our noble profession! Now go celebrate! ”
“ Hello, rising Brown physicians.You're entering great tradition of healing and service to humanity. Best wishes from a Brunonian physician and father of two Brown College alumni and physicians.
Messages for MD'20 Students
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Brian Campos
Messages for MD'20 Students -- from Dr. Maurice Joyce
Messages for MD'20 Students -- from the Hills
Messages for MD'20 Students -- from the Barrys
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Hannah Kazal
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Karishma Bhatia
Messages for MD'20 Students -- John Kane
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Jillian Peters and Wesley Durand
Messages for MD'20 Students
“ Dear MD'20,
Congratulations on accomplishing this very important milestone in your career. Best wishes and stay safe!!
“ Congratulations, well deserved for your hard work and sacrifice. ”
“ CONGRATULATIONS Class of 2020! Probably not the end to med school you anticipated, but we are excited to have you joining us.
“ Congratulations! Good luck on the next stages of your careers! ”
“ Congratulations MD Class of '20!! During these last few months I have been reminded of the critical role we play as physicians in society. Try to keep that message close to you as you enter the next phase of your journey. Take care of yourselves as you take care of others. Best wishes to you! ”
“ Vic- We are so proud of you! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments and get ready to be called 24/7 with any and everyone concern we have about our kids!! We love you and can’t wait to come visit you in LA! You should be so proud. You are such a rockstar. We love you! ”
“ Congratulations Dr. Goldman (!!) and the whole Brown MD Class of '20!! Thank you all for being forces of greater well-being at a moment when it's deeply needed. ”
“ Victoria- We're SO proud of you!! It's been a delight to watch you evolve and find your own way to make this world a better place. You've been working so hard, and putting your brilliance, creativity, adventurous spirit, and kind heart into everything you do! And it hasn't been enough for you to dedicate your life to making other people healthier, you've sought out opportunities to work with some of the people who need it most! Those kids (and their families) in LA are super lucky to have you. We love you and can't wait to come hike with you in LA (if/when you have the time, hehe)!!
“ You are the new generation! Congratulations on your remarkable achievement. We are already proud of you, especially now. Best of luck and stay well. Remember to take care of yourself - you have to put on your own oxygen mask first before you can help others. ”
“ Welcome to the fellowship of Brown's medical graduates. My best wishes for a productive and successful career! ”
“ Congratulations to the MD class of 2020.
We are so proud of what you have been able to accomplish over these last four tireless and challenging years. You worked incredibly hard, never gave up, and pursued your dreams! Your first decision as physician was to begin your career early to help serve those who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This selflessness and determination will guide you in becoming a physician who is respected by both patients and colleagues. We look forward to supporting you throughout what we anticipate being a fulfilling and successful career! Congratulations! ”
“ Congratulations Paul on this wonderful accomplishment of becoming a medical doctor. You have worked incredibly hard over many years to achieve this, and you deserve lots of praise. Your kindness, compassion and smarts will help you to be a wonderful doctor. Your Papa always was hoping that one of his grandchildren would become a physician, and I am sure he is smiling right now looking down upon you and feeling so proud. We wish you nothing but love and happiness going forward in your life and your career. With much love, ”
To Sigrid with seven "L"'s:
We are very proud of you. We are really LUCKY to have a LOVELY daughter. It never occurs to us that our enjoyable daughter is becoming a promising medical doctor today. We are greatly appreciated your passion in medical fields and your hard working over the past years. With good cheers, we strongly believe that you will continue to LOVE your patients, to LISTEN to your patients and to LEARN the updated medical knowledge.
Wish you have a wonderful LIFE - LONG medical career and a happy family!
Congratulations, Hannah! We are so proud of you and cannot even begin to imagine all the wonderful things you will accomplish in your career. As a clinician, mentor, and leader we are certain you will continue to make the world a better place and bring joy to all those who enter your orbit, as you have always done with us. Love you to the moon and back! Xo
“ CONGRATS MD Class of '20! ”
“ Excited to see the amazing things your class will do in the coming years! Always remember that, "The task of medicine is to cure sometimes, to relieve often, and to comfort always. (Ambroise Pare) ”
Messages for MD'20 Students -- from the Department of Plastic Surgery
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Jonathan Vu
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Jordan Emont
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Dustin Biron
Messages for MD'20 Students -- John Kane
Messages for MD'20 Students -- John Arsenault
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Noah Lubin
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Kaitlyn McLeod
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Tricia Giglio
Messages for MD'20 Students -- Clare Gelissen
“ Radhika(Vava), Congratulations on your achievement !We are very proud to see that you have reached the important milestone in your journey to fulfill your lifelong ambition of becoming a pediatrician. We know that you will be a caring and compassionate Pediatrician. This is one of the happiest moments in our life. We wish you the best . We also want to express our sincere gratitude to Brown University for providing Radhika and her fellow graduating doctors an outstanding educational experience. Congratulations graduating doctors; the world awaits you to make it a better place. ”
“ Praise God for this amazing accomplishment in your life. May He use your gifts for His glory and good as you serve those in your community in your career ahead. Always remember who is ultimately responsible for healing. We love you and are so very proud of you! ”
Heartiest Congratulations to our Princess Dr.Karishma Bhatia. We are so proud of you. We love you. May your kindness, compassion, courage, skills & knowledge bring comfort to all your patients. Love & Blessings,
“ Congratulations, Katie! You made it. ”
Messages for MD'20 Students -- from Dr. Shideh Shafie
“ Hi John, Congratulations! We are so happy and proud of your great accomplishment! We look forward to the great contributions you will make to the field of medicine. ”
“ Congratulations John! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. You have worked incredibly hard to achieve this milestone, and you have excelled at every point throughout this journey. We know that the next four years will be very challenging and you will be tested daily, but you will overcome any obstacles you face and you will have continued success. We look forward to your future as a medical doctor. We love you! Best of luck! ”
Congratulations to our son, Dr. Evan Stern. We wish you well as you begin your residency in Emergency Medicine. Cheers to the Class of 2020!
“ Congratulations to the MD20s! We need you in the year ahead. Stay safe and savor all the hard and weird moments in your training - you will remember that time forever. ”
“ Congrats Johnny! ”
“ John, I was always proud of you because of your intelligence, integrity, and decency; but never have I been more proud of you than this moment...receiving your M.D. degree! Nanny would not have been able to stop smiling, nor can I. You have the support and love of the whole West and Kane families. God bless you, Dr. John! ”
“ To: Connie Liou
Congratulations on successfully completing four years of intense training from Brown’s Alpert Medical School. You are not only a great student, but also the best daughter that we could have ever asked for! During all your busy days, you remembered to call home to check on us, and we will always appreciate that. With your caring character, we know that you will be a wonderful doctor to your patients. Best wishes on your journey becoming an interventional radiologist – we have great confidence that you will continue to do well.
Dear Sis (Connie Liou),
We are so proud of you! As your brother, I have immensely enjoyed witnessing your growth and supporting you for the past 26 years. I hope you learn a lot during residency, but also make the time to explore and appreciate New York City, especially its diversity. I am looking forward to the days when I can rely on you to help me read MRIs. Stay safe, stay smart, and stay humble. ”
Hi Dr. Joey DiZoglio, Jr. !!! Congratulations on this milestone achievement. On to St. Francis Hospital, Hartford CT. for Ob/Gyn. !! Best wishes, Love, Mom, Dad, Ben
Congratulations to the Class of 2020 - We enjoyed working with all of you at Women and Infants.
Matt, we are bursting with joy for you and all of the graduates! Please know that love will guide you on your journey of service. Never stop learning, and always remember that daily kindness is what truly matters.
“ Congrats JP! So proud of you ”
“ Great work MD Class of '20! Welcome to the Brown Med alumni community! ”
“ Congratulations grads from the department of plastic surgery! We are so proud of you! Your family and community are proud of you. Continue succeeding - you're almost there. Si Se Puede! We love you. ”
“ Congratulations! ”
“ For Travis C. Brown, MD, MPH
I had hoped to be present as you literally commence, or begin, this new chapter in your life.
Congratulations, Travis! I am proud of you, love you, and count myself fortunate to have you in my life as my grandson. As Winston Churchill once said, "Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it's the courage to continue that counts." ”
“ Congratulations Warren Alpert School of Medicine Class of 2020! We are so proud of you! ”
Congrats to the Brown MD class of '20 including my son, Michael Broder!! It is exciting to look back at all your great accomplishments and just as exciting to look forward to new challenges. Michael, I wish you and your class all the best.
“ Congratulations to Tricia Giglio Ayers from her parents ”
“ Congratulations Ashley - we love you! ”
“ Congratulations and best wishes! ”
"I thank God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes."
e.e. cummings
We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished.
May God continue to bless you in all that you do.
With all of our love and prayers,
“ Congratulations to all the Graduates from John Kane’s Great Aunt and Uncle! We feel confident that as our future leaders of tomorrow, the world is in great hands. Literally, our lives are in the best of hands!! Stay strong and passionate! Best wishes and Blessings on each and all! ”
“ To our son Alex Kuczmarski and the entire 2020 graduating class...we are so proud of what you have accomplished and for your dedication to helping others! ”
On behalf of the Brown Medical School class of 1975, congratulations on your graduation from medical school! We had looked forward to celebrating our 45th Reunion alongside you as you celebrated your graduation. Though that was not to be, we want you to know how proud we are of you, especially of those who graduated early to join the COVID battle on the frontlines. We look forward to meeting all of you in 5 years, when you return for your 5th reunion and we come back for our 50th! Best wishes to all!
“ Congratulations John Patrick Kane! We are so proud of you! ”
“ Congratulations to the class of 2020! Wishing you all great and satisfying careers ahead. ”
“ Congratulations Dusty Biron MD!!! 2-4-3 ”
Congratulations, MD'20!
Dear Julia Gelissen, Congratulations on your medical school graduation. We are so very proud of you and all your hard work and persistence throughout these many years of schooling.
We know that as you move into your next chapter of training you will continue to grow and learn. Your patients will be fortunate to have you as their healer.
Please remember to always make time for self care and a balanced existence.
“ Dear soon to be colleagues, with my best wishes for the future. It has been a pleasure to known and work with you in some cases, since high school. This is such a crazy time to start as a doctor, but always remember that we have full confidence in you and that you are going to find new mentors and people ready to help you. Do not ever hesitate to ask for help from your colleagues and preceptors. You will learn by doing the job and you will find that this is a profession like no other, incredible challenging but also immensely gratifying. ”